
Venturing into the Tube

It’s been over 8 years since I’ve posted here, it seems… Wow. I can’t believe time flew by that quick. It’s time I go on a brand new journey!

I could go on and on about what happened in the last years, but I will leave that for another post if I’m ever feeling inspired - There’s really tons to catch up on, believe you me. But that’s not why I’m here today, today I’m here to talk about starting something I never thought I would have the guts to start: A YouTube channel! 📼

Yes, you read it right. YouTube. That thing that a lot of people use for entertainment, information, among other purposes, but never really get down to creating videos. I’ve decided to try my luck with it.

But Nel, what will you actually do with your channel?

Putting it simply, I’ll just post videos of me playing video games. That’s it! Or well… Maybe a small twist: I’ll post videos of me playing retro video games! The definition of what a retro game is is pretty subjective, so I’ll try to narrow it down, or at least, to what I will consider a retro game for the channel: Anything that’s 20 or more years old. And I won’t look at genre either, just post videos!

Wait… Why?

A better question would be: “why not”? Nah, just kidding. I’ve recently been to Japan twice in the last two years, and seeing how there were dedicated stores to retro gaming, retro arcades and a general love and care for all things electronic, it made me think twice about a couple of things:

  • What kinds of things do I like doing in my free time?
  • What exactly are my hobbies, do I have anything I feel this passionate about?
  • I’ve been talking about playing and cherishing retro games, why haven’t I done anything in that regard?
  • What’s stopping me from just… Doing it?

And with that, I suddenly had a lot of other questions and answers, things just buzzing through my mind. I do love programming, coding and whatnot, but it’s been way too long I have dedicated time for myself, my other passions and living my life. So why not just try things?

That’s beautiful and all, shows the channel!

Thought you’d never ask! I already linked it above in case you weren’t paying attention, but here it is:

I’ve already posted three videos ever since, where I played the Mega Drive version of the first Puyo Puyo split in two parts, as well as Super Famicom’s very own Soul Blader with its very first part out. Super pumped to get even more content out! Check my latest video as of today:

Soul Blader (ソウルブレイダー) - スーパーファミコン [Part 1]

And to conclude, I just want to say a couple of things:

  • I’ll try my best to keep the common YouTube phrases such as “Like and Subscribe!” or “Please like the content of our channel, it helps us a lot!”. Not because I’m not looking for those, but I want to keep the videos as lean as possible and just focus on what I’m doing.
  • The channel’s language is English, but first and foremost, I am Portuguese. I expect one or two videos down the line to be in Portuguese, especially if I’m playing games with other people (I have some ideas)!
  • And lastly, I want people to have fun!

So yeah, please give me channel a look, and while I will not ask people to subscribe during a video, I will do so here on this blog post: If you’ve come this far, do subscribe and give my videos a watch once in a while, even if in the background! I want to share these moments with all of you!

And with all of that said, I will retire for the day. A very long blog post about what happened over the last 8 years is more than warranted, and while I mentioned in this blog that I’d try to keep coming back every week with news, I won’t say it this time around. Whenever I find the time and space for it, I will post something. Keep an ear out!

Nel is over and out, returning 0!